About Facing Suicide VT
Facing Suicide VT is supported by a five-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This data-driven initiative will build on existing partnerships and programs, bolster collective efforts on the integration between healthcare and mental health, and work to ensure all Vermonters have access to the support they need.

Facing Suicide VT will support a comprehensive public approach to suicide prevention in Vermont by achieving the following goals:
- Develop a coordinated statewide prevention effort with state partners and communities.
- Promote awareness of existing suicide prevention activities and programs across the state.
- Utilize data analysis to identify priority populations and to better characterize risk and protective factors impacting suicide.
- Expand the delivery and provision of suicide prevention and safer suicide care for at-risk and underserved populations with a focus on health equity and improved access.
- Expand Zero Suicide activities to rural Vermont counties and engage Community Health Teams to support planning to improve screening, treatment, and transitions of care for patients experiencing suicidality.
- Facilitate Suicide Awareness and Support training among social services agencies and community partners to increase the identification of persons at risk of suicide and refer them to treatment or supporting services.
- Expand recovery and peer support groups, including groups for first responders, farmers, and individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide.
- Support the adoption of evidence-based suicide prevention activities in the Emergency Department and other healthcare settings, including Counseling about Access to Lethal Means, which focuses on how to reduce access to the methods people use to kill themselves.