Hear stories of hope and recovery from those with real experience.


Richard has experienced thoughts of suicide and mental health challenges for his entire adult life. Listen as he shares his story about learning to accept help and working to manage the negative voices inside him.

4 1/2 minutes Watch Richard's Story


Despite her strong family ties, Kristy felt disconnected from a very young age. She describes her lifelong struggles that led to discovering tools to manage her mental health and help others do the same.


From a young age, Matt has dealt with death and suicide, including considering if he wanted to live or die. As he learned to deal with grief and the emotions tied to grieving, Matt has become a guide for young people struggling with the same emotions.

6 1/2 minutes Watch Matt's Story


Jodi describes her lifelong experiences with depression and thoughts of suicide and how she has been able to find support and hope through making connections wherever she goes.

6 minutes Watch Jodi's Story


Carolyn has experienced mental health issues and challenges for most of her life.  She has found that talking about her experiences with others has made a big difference for both herself and with others.


Kathy’s life changed in many ways after her suicide attempts, and some people in her life did not know how to help because of their own fears and misconceptions. Listen as Kathy describes her experiences and how you can help and support someone struggling with thoughts of suicide.


Theresa talks about her fear of being labeled after her suicide attempt. She shares how she overcame that fear by understanding the role of grief and coping skills.


As a teen, Kathy lived in a rural area and struggled with cycles of depression. Read how she continues to navigate through her own depression while also supporting others who may be at risk.


Marisa recently lost a friend to suicide. In this video, Marisa describes how she is learning to grieve and cope with the loss of her friend and work through the many complex emotions people experience following the death of a loved one.

7 1/2 minutees Watch Marisa's Story


Nicolette first began experiencing mental health challenges in middle school. After losing a friend to suicide in high school, she realized she was on the same dangerous path. Since then, Nicolette has taken it upon herself to both honor and share her friend’s story and talk about her own struggles to support others who may be having thoughts of suicide. Listen to Nicolette’s story and how she has learned to support her own mental health and find a life worth living.

Inspired by the stories of others and interested in sharing your own?  Share with us