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Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness and Skills Training
October 8 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Center for Health and Learning’s Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness and Skills Training offers stand-alone 2 hour virtual live session to enhance knowledge, comfort, and skills to identify those at risk for suicide in your organization or community. Including resources to get help, Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness and Skills Training provides the fundamental knowledge to build a suicide prevention-aware community or workplace.
This training is designed and presented by Center for Health and Learning (CHL) under funding from the VT Department of Mental Health to the VT Suicide Prevention Center, a public-private partnership between VT DMH and CHL.
Participants learn basic knowledge and skills of suicide prevention including societal myths and attitudes, use of sensitive language, risk factors and warning signs, protective factors, considerations for populations at risk, examples of what to say and do, and local and national resources for help. Participants learn a three-step process for talking with someone who presents with risk for suicide. This learning exchange includes a discussion of best practices for suicide prevention in your organization or community setting.
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