Umatter® for Schools aims to help teams build comprehensive suicide prevention awareness, strong and thoughtful conversation facilitation, understanding of roles and responsibilities, protocols for prevention and postvention situations, and be positioned to teach and train other school employees awareness basics in the effort to fortify a solid suicide prevention foundation and culture. Participant teams will engage in all aspects of Umatter® Suicide Prevention Awareness Training via self-paced asynchronous modules and virtual live Zoom sessions.

Who should attend:

Schools are encouraged to send teams with a minimum of two people consisting of a guidance counselor, nurse, health educator, mental health provider, and/or administrator. Support of school administration is recommended.

Objectives of Training:

● Deepen understanding of risk factors and warning signs

● Develop knowledge skillset and competencies of facilitating conversations about suicide

● Identify, with confidence, next steps in getting help

● Create and share prevention and postvention protocols

● Ability to train other members of school community in suicide prevention

● Gain capacity to break stigma culture related to mental health, suicide, and asking for help